My Pleasure In Creases

Iron love...or is it lust?

Ironing, what’s not to love? Almost instant gratification that lasts longer than a dinner party! Hooray! (Of course, if I had this adoring swain by my board, I might engage in it a bit more often!) There’s nothing like the warm smell of linen, and the hiss of the steam as it puffs from the sole plate (Maybe it should be called the “soul” plate?), not to mention the satisfying feeling I get from seeing the wrinkles disappear from underneath my gliding hand. Ahhh…bliss.

Now that the weather is getting hotter, I’m trying to get more of it done early in the morning when it’s still pretty cool. Otherwise, it can get a tad warm. Fortunately, the mornings are still quite cool. So, I’m doing all the linens as I come across them in the unpacking. By linens, I do not mean sheets. (There is a limit.) I’m talking table linens, dresser scarves, and the like.

No more excuses!

Yumster in waiting!

I still haven’t unpacked my bread pans, so I’ve been waiting to bake bread here. But it was bugging me, and Paul and Lindsay were both asking about it. So, no more excuses. I decided, “What kind of a baker am I if I can’t bake bread without a pan?” So here we are, bread dough rising. I’ll just make a shaped loaf, and I’m sure it’ll be just as tasty as it would if I used a pan! Just less suitable for toast. So what.

Spinning plates… or just one full one?

Just one of those days...Who isn’t amazed by those lads and lasses who balance a number of plates, keeping them all spinning at the end of various lengths of pole. And who hasn’t felt like one of those fellows, when there’s a lot of tasks to be done, all seeming to be of equal importance so that prioritizing seems impossible? I’m right there, these days.Just one berry wide!

Or maybe it’s more like a smorgasbord. Like a church supper where there’s so many kinds of delectable desserts that it’s so hard to choose just one. Or even four. (Yes, I can see you smiling! You’ve done that. Loaded a plate full of postage stamp sized pieces of cake. Slivers of pie so thin the light shines through the filling like a fruit studded stained glass window. Tea Cup in IrelandServings of pudding so dainty they’d barely fill a Protestant communion cup! Yes. But I digress…)

My days are like that now. I’ve got so many possibilities that I really almost feel like just avoiding all of them. I’m almost to the point where I’m ready to plop down on the sofa, curl up with a good book and a cup of tea (from Teavana, passion du jour), and read the day away.

But I can’t. Well…maybe just for a little while…

Getting Settled

Well, it's not THIS bad...Did you ever have one of those moments when you were looking for something and you just knew it had to be right around here, somewhere?!

Well, it’s been seven days since we unpacked the truck. I am slowly (very slowly) getting unpacked. It’s not just unpacking though, it’s trying to mesh my things in with Paul’s. Trying to meld our lives, while we meld our things.

On top of that, we hardly ever see each other. First, I left for a couple days. Then, he left for a business trip. He comes back Tuesday afternoon, and then I leave Wednesday at noon again. Although I’ll be back Saturday, I’ll have Sophia in tow, as it’s the beginning of her Spring Break and she’s excited about coming to visit.