G is for God

Train Wreck at Montparnasse 1895Thank GOD my faith is not about emotion. When I’m crawling through the mental tar-pit of depression that is just one half of my bi-polar “issue,” I have to believe that. Have to remind myself over and over, over and over, over and over again, that God has not taped a “kick me” sign on my back. God doesn’t work that way. (Thank GOD for Aquinas!)

Of course, that doesn’t make me feel better. It has, however, kept me from doing a lot of stupid things.

I love having a big God who can take it when I’m screaming and shouting. Who sits next to me during my toddler rants and offers soul bandages and the healing balm of the Sacraments. Who doesn’t care about my dirty hair or that I’m still wearing the same jeans I wore two days ago.

God is good. All the time. Even when I don’t understand.


A to Z April Challenge 2013I’m participating in the Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge! Read about it here.

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7 thoughts on “G is for God

  1. and all the time…God is good. Thank you for an unashamed shout-out to Our Father. I believe that it is entirely OK to not understand…Isa 55:8-9 tells me I CAN’T understand it all, I’m off the hook!

  2. Ah yes. I think that being a parent has taught me more about the nature of God than I ever expected.
    Goodness, if it was all about emotion, I’d be an emotional wreck! He is good indeed!

  3. God is good indeed. Also enjoyed your rain post. We could use one of those nice soaking rains. Wouldn’t it be splendid if God sent them only on overnight times. Have a splendid trip to Z. Stratoz goes AtoZ

  4. popping in from the a-z and I love finding other believers in the blosphere! Very honest writing, love this post about God and He’s trustworthy even though we don’t always feel him or understand. I write about that often myself. 😉 I’m a new follower. Come visit, if you’d like:
    from The Dugout

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