Five Minute Friday: Rhythm

Koladera rhythm model

Koladera rhythm model (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well, as a Catholic, you can probably guess where this is going. But you’d be wrong, though that was pretty tempting. But I had, really, no idea what I’d talk about for five minutes. Le sigh…

Our lives are filled with every kind of rhythm, and once you become attuned to it, there’s no going back. From the undercurrent of our body’s autonomic functions like breathing and heartbeat, to the surrounding beat of footsteps, car horns, and bird songs, the effect is a bit chaotic, but none the less rhythmic.

I’m hearing the wavering melody of a finch’s persistent song punctuated by the low drone of a mourning dove. The occasional cry of a Phoebe and sharp jabs of a Robin complete the avian quartet.

That’s just what I can identify without thinking too hard.

Stop for a while today, and listen. Whether it’s the rising and falling cadence of a down-the-hall boardroom meeting, the quirky chatter of a bevy of toddlers, or even the soothing whirr of your dishwasher, there’s a rhythm there.

Go on, feel the beat.


What’s Five Minute Friday?

A blog-prompt project dreamt up by LisaJo Baker, which you can read about here. The basic idea is that you spend five minutes of writing, generally unedited (I correct typos, WAY too OCD not to do that), on a prompt that she provides just after midnight via a tweet, then spread the word, and link up. Interested? Join up. Enjoy a delightful assortment by clicking on the picture to the right.

Today’s Five Minute Friday selection is also here!

Turtles in Heaven

Sea Turtle vs Land

Image by dibytes via Flickr

Will there be turtles in Heaven?

After Sophia and I saw that snapping turtle yesterday, we got to talking about how fortunate we are that interesting things like that happen to us. It is true that we often run across things or have experiences that never happen to other people. Or maybe it’s that other people just don’t notice things, or are too busy.

I was talking about how if I was some kind of naturalist on a field experience, I would just follow that turtle around—careful to be unobserved by her—until she laid her eggs. I could then return and see the tiny turtles emerge from their shells! How fun! We laughed and I said that’s something I’d really like to see. Sophia added that she’d like to see that, but she’d prefer sea turtles.

We went on about that for a while, and I came to the conclusion that in Heaven we will be able to see all the things we wanted to like that. That will be one of the big thrills about eternal life—being able to see all the natural world that we could not while we were here. Up close, live! Bowerbirds building their elaborate nests, bees doing their flower-finding dance, the intricate symbiosis of clown fish and their anemones. And, of course, baby turtles hatching from their shells! Won’t that just be cool?!